by admin-n95 | Jun 27, 2020 | N95 respirator China
With the world is fighting the coronavirus pandemic now, people become more aware of their own health and the surroundings. Pre-emptive protection is taken to avoid the spread of the virus. Today, seeing people wearing masks in public areas is a common sight since it...
by admin-n95 | Jun 23, 2020 | FFP 2 face mask, FFP1 face mask, FFP1 FFP2 FFP3, FFp2 Dust masks, FFp2 Face Mask, FFP3 face mask, KN95 face mask, N95 respirator mask
Nowadays, face masks are badly needed goods. Ordinary KN95 face masks, surgical masks, and even ordinary medical masks that we ware when we go out or work are protective. Protective face mask for medical use is better to be preserved for the front line medical staff...
by admin-n95 | Jun 8, 2020 | FFP 2 face mask, FFP1 face mask, FFp2 Dust masks, FFp2 Face Mask, FFP2 FFP3 mask, FFP3 face mask, KN95 face mask, N95 face mask respirator, N95 masks for covid19, N95 masks of covid 19, N95 respirator mask
The Ultimate Guide To Anti- COVID Masks Whether you’re sick or healthy the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and for safety reasons recommend everyone to wear a face mask in places where it can be hard to stay 6 feet away from others. That’s because...
by admin-n95 | May 31, 2020 | FFP 2 face mask, FFp2 Dust masks, FFp2 Face Mask, FFP3 face mask
According to the statistics recorded by World Health Organization (WHO), 5 819 962 confirmed cases of coronavirus have been reported to date with 362 786 confirmed deaths, and 216 countries, areas, or territories affected with these cases. Since the outbreak of this...
by admin-n95 | Mar 11, 2020 | FFP 2 face mask
What is the coronavirus? Chinese officials have confirmed that there were reports of illness or death due to coronavirus. Coronavirus is an infectious virus that has never spread to humans before. Another name for the virus is 2019-NCOV. It is a type of coronavirus....